Economy – Bov
Rates for 2025:
Nursery DKK 4,467
Kindergarten DKK 2,508
Food scheme DKK 637

Opening hours
Weekdays (Monday-Friday): 06:00 – 18:00
with the possibility of purchasing extras the rest of the day, as well as public holidays
We are open during all holidays if there are children registered.
There is 12 months payment instead of 11 months as we have no closing days except the 2nd Friday in September, when we have a pedagogical day.
Payment of the meal plan is mandatory.
Sibling discounts and financial subsidies are given in Børnehuset Evigglad on the same terms as in the municipal institutions.
Childcare beyond 6-18
Prices can be picked up at the management.
There is a 2-month notice of the place in the children's house.
An advance payment of DKK 2,000 is paid when the child is signed up for a place in the children's house. This is refunded when the child stops.