About us – Aabenraa

Børnehuset Evigglad is a place where everyone should feel at home – both children, parents and staff.
The house is characterized by a positive atmosphere and a common desire to create an active institution under homely conditions and which is constantly developing with flexibility and educational quality in mind

Annual Cycle

Here you can see what a year in Evigglad can bring in terms of exciting things.


Here we have attached some leaflets that you can look at and possibly print out.


The children’s house has a goal that children, parents and staff experience care, community, professionalism and security. Because in this way, we can create the best framework for well-being and joint development.

We value the child being seen and experiencing presence, that you are respected as the person you are, that the child feels seen and valued.

We value nature and motor skills as well as music very highly.


We have Mindfulness at noon for the children who do not sleep. Children need peace and relaxation in an everyday life that can be well filled.

We find that it spreads a nice calm and less tired children.

The course of the year

Every month, a Newsletter is sent out from the groups, as well as a calendar with activities and trips out of the house.

We work with themes where we take a theme over 2 months.

Daily life

  • From the time we open until 07.30, all children are gathered.
  • We serve breakfast from 06:00-07:00
  • Then we go out into the respective groups.
  • Fruit café is 08.30-09.00
  • Activities in the groups.
  • Dinner is served at 10.45 for the nursery and at 11.15 for the kindergarten children
  • Mindfulness and midday nap from 11.30 am
  • The kindergarten children then go to the playground, where the little nursery children come when they wake up and together we eat fruit on the playground, weather permitting, at 14.00
  • In the afternoon, there are games and activities outdoors and indoors.
  • At 16:00 we gather the last children.


We want to be the most flexible childcare service with high professionalism and quality.

Børnehuset Evigglad’s goal is for children, parents and staff to experience care, security, community and professionalism, in order to create the best framework for common well-being and development.

We have chosen four core values as the guiding values for the daily pedagogical work between children, parents and staff.

Core values

Care => community => security => professionalism


With the core value of care, we want to achieve the following in our daily work:

• That the child is seen and experiences presence.

• To pay attention to the child’s physical and emotional needs.

• To pay attention to each child’s needs and take as a starting point where the child is in its development.

• That the children learn to help and comfort each other, as well as to show consideration and treat each other properly.

• That we as staff show interest in the child’s world in an environment characterized by appreciative relationships, respect and dialogue.


The core value of safety is crucial in our daily activities in Børnehuset Evigglad, as we strive for the following:

• That children and parents feel welcome in Børnehuset Evigglad.

• That openness, honesty and mutual respect are worked on in the Børnehuset Evigglad, because only through this can we together ensure the greatest possible well-being of the child.

• That the child is assigned to a permanent contact group.

• That there is repetition and predictability for the child in everyday life.

• That the child feels seen and appreciated.

• That the child has a friend.

Community feeling

Community is an important element in our daily life in Børnehuset Evigglad and we strive to achieve the following:

• That we work to ensure that the child has a sense of belonging to the group and that opportunities are created for friendships to arise.

• That the child develops, self-confidence and self-esteem, learns and socializes together, across the house, in a positive atmosphere.

• That all children are thriving and you feel comfortable in the group, and that the child has positive relationships with children and adults, so there are good opportunities for development.

• To be respected as the person you are, as part of a larger context.

• That we show respect for diversity and exploit diversity constructively.

• That parents are always welcome in Børnehuset Evigglad.


Professionalism is the cornerstone of the child’s institutional life. This creates the best opportunities for the child’s development:

• To create an environment for children, parents and staff that is characterized by appreciative relationships, respect and dialogue.

• That we carry out our work with good organisation and planning and evaluation.

• To be able to justify and communicate the pedagogical work in the house.

• To be able to guide and advise parents.

• To relate to the problems that may arise around children and to involve the parents in this work.

• To be able to reflect on, justify and develop the pedagogical work in the house.

• To be outreach and developing, as well as to exploit the differences of the staff group in the work around the children.

• To be a daycare centre that keeps up with the pedagogical and social development.

Goal for Børnehuset Evigglad:

The goal of Børnehuset Evigglad is that children, parents and staff experience security, presence, care and professionalism in order to create the best framework for a common well-being and development:

• That children and parents feel welcome at all times in Børnehuset Evigglad.

• To create close relationships and presence between the individual child/child and child/adult.

• To put the individual child’s development and current needs at the centre.

• To create an environment in which the development of the social dimension is highly valued.

• To give the children the opportunity for experiences that strengthen their curiosity and desire to explore, so that their experiences are expanded.

• To build traditions that create expectations, joy and development.

• That we professionally plan, reflect, evaluate and develop.